EXCLUSIVE: Trump Jr. thinks the “whole fraud thing” is just an episode of PUNK’D.

“Of course, I’m not taking this seriously!” said TJ

K.D. Orlich
2 min readNov 14, 2023


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

NY, NY, 7:02 AM, 11/14/2023

As the New York fraud trial against the Trump family now enters another day, it seems that some in the family really don’t want to believe it is real.

“Of course, I’m not taking this seriously,” said Trump Jr.

“If this was real they’d have thrown us all in jail for real, like right now. Like today, bro.”

A recording of TJ saying these very words was just given to this reporter and now I am telling you. I heard it through a phone call from someone who wishes to remain anonymous. They did not want to send the file for fear of exposure and retaliation. The caller said that they were working late in the courthouse that day. They heard TJ approaching and started to record him on their phone. What they got was unbelievable considering the hundreds of millions of dollars in damages the Trumps may be destined to pay. TJ continued, ”Yeah bro. If they really had anything, if they really knew what we were hiding, fuck bro, they’d be asking for the death penalty. We’re all as dirty as a New York sewer. Yeah, bro. I don’t know when this is going to end but any second now Ashton Kusher is gonna show up as…



K.D. Orlich
K.D. Orlich

Written by K.D. Orlich

It's about to get weird in here.

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