Move to MI, People! I write about this often. We have our Acre now in the middle of cornfields, trees, and the occasional pond. We do have neighbors that we can see but the nearest one is about 400 feet away. We have a well for water and the water never leaves. It just goes back into the Great Lakes and rains or snows right back on top of us! We actually keep losing more people than gain in MI. This continues to dumbfound me. As the climate refugees grow in number running from the oceanic coastlines this dip in our population will not last. I'd be all my crypto on it too. No water. No life. Good luck TX, AZ, CA. You can't drink a "good job" and the money that comes with it. Everything will be moving North out of dire necessity very soon. This decade may be your last chance to get a piece of the Mitten state before its price is more than only the super-rich can afford. Think about your kid's future. Get the hell out of the south and away from the oceans NOW! Good luck!