So, you finally want some Bitcoin, eh?
Here’s the simplest way I know to get it.
Let’s get right to it.
I am not a financial planner or in anyway licensed to give any advice.
That being said, IMHO, crypto is going to keep going through the roof under the next POTUS administration. As are most stocks but that’s for another time, maybe.
I will assume you’ve done some research and understand exactly what cryptocurrency is? If not then definitely go do that now. I’m not posting links anymore. If you’re serious about this you’ll take the time to know that crypto is NOT like any other investment/bet you’ve ever placed.
To call the crypto market “volatile” is an understatement. While stocks and other financial products my move a few percent in a day, crypto can double, triple, or just about go parabolic in minutes.
It’s also 24 hour market.
It never closes for the day like the stock market does. (Although talk of a 24 hour stock market now looms too.)
You can wake up one morning and find it all gone. Just. Gone.
The regulations are about to get even more slippery with the next POTUS so expect no sympathy from the law if you get scammed or lose it all.
All that being said, I trust Coinbase.
I’m an American so that really has been my best most secure option.