The problem with guns is everyone is wrong.

“Mental health” and “being a “man” are now in a cage match to the death.

Sexy Hermit
8 min readOct 31, 2023


Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash

I really don’t get out much anymore. I’m pretty much a stay-at-home husband now.

There is nothing I want to see out there anyway anymore. If it's not family related or necessary to our survival out here, I’m not going.

The “energy” I feel from my fellow random Americans is at best toxic. I know that it's a 50-50 chance that the next person I bump into is brainwashed beyond belief. I know they can’t wait for Trump to rule it all in the name of American Heterosexual Masculinity and not much else.

They want “vengeance” for being kicked to the curb and forgotten by 50 years of neoliberalism. (Not that they even know or understand the term neoliberalism. All they know is that they want to play “gotcha games” until everyone feels just as shitty and pathetic as they do.)

Trump and the rest of his fascist brigade of X and TikTok conservative media whores now have half of America believing that “draining the swamp” is somehow going to help feed their kids. Somehow “owning the libs” is going fix all the ways our government “infringed” on their “liberty.”

Good luck with all that.



Sexy Hermit

It's about to get weird in here. UPDATE: Good weird. Not the JDV kind.