Member-only story
The Virus, Days 381 and 382, Dimondale, Michigan. “Share my thoughts,” Trump?
Well, he's back. Kinda. Sorta. He’s got a new website. You can find it on your own.
Most noticeable to me though is that there is not one single “donate” button anywhere. An oversight or is he now running a bit more afraid of all the fraud lawsuits all ready piling up? I’m betting the latter.
Trump is a media whore’s media whore. If there’s a way to exploit himself for money he’ll do it. He’s a loser and is just going to keep losing. The fact that the GOP still can’t see it makes me laugh.
Let’s just pray to his god, the god of marketing, that he never gets desperate enough for a “fan’s only” page. Not that there’s anything wrong with that generally in my opinion, but wow, I can just totally see it happening. I just hope I never actually “see” any of it.
For every political sycophant that comes to kiss his ring, he burns down ten times as many other business relationships. His time as POTUS has already been scratched into the history books as the worst ever. As more lies and corruption are discovered, the rotten onion of your “empire” just keeps revealing more and more layers.
With each new revelation made public, Trump just becomes more and more a pariah. His name will forever join the ranks of every other…