Top 10 demands I expect from Trump.
You got everything you wanted, asshole. Now fucking deliver.
You fucking did it, Trump. Against all that is righteous and holy, you warped the American mind into buying your bullshit for four more years.
Ok, fine. You won. You fucking won it all.
There is no question about it.
You have your precious mandate.
Well over half this country, at least half of The People that voted anyway, chose you over a seemingly competent and brilliant woman who kicked your ass in a debate and was ready to do it many times over.
Sure, you’re a “fighter,” Trump. Unless it's a fair fight against a woman, then you lose and whine like a baby about “the rules” and a rematch. None of it mattered anyway. Obviously, the cowardice of a bully was your best option. Complaining about all the rules you broke paid off in spades yet again. Most of America still sees you as a ”victim” somehow.
I can’t argue with your success, Trump. I can only disdain it. I hold you and your entire future cabinet of pirates in contempt. You read the voting public like a book and told them all their favorite stories. You made these stories your own. The People still believe you. Your win is nothing more than a testament to the absolute failure…