Choose VOTING!

If you still believe that the rule of law governs America.

K.D. Orlich
6 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Autocrats. History will show that they were all great. Until they were not. Then what? Bloody rebellions that often end up replacing one violent and paranoid autocrat with another violent and paranoid autocrat, that’s what.

It’s how most governments have run since The People decided we needed leaders of any kind. We have always fallen back to the belief that a benevolent autocrat can actually exist. We still hang on to the feeling that a god-like man will appear and solve all our problems through some divine wisdom.

It never happens.

Power corrupts.

End of story.

The powerful just want more power. They become willing to slaughter millions, even inside their own borders, to keep what they have. They never call these acts “evil.” They truly feel that they were “chosen” to do this “responsible” job by a “higher power.”

After the predictable and eventual carnage caused by their supreme responsibility, after the fall of yet another same-ole-story despot, The People are still left to choose how they want to be ruled again.

Oh, you say The People never really got to pick all those kings, queens, emperors, overlords, etc?



K.D. Orlich
K.D. Orlich

Written by K.D. Orlich

My other car is a transdimensional portal.

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