What else is there to say?

No one wants to hear from old white guys anymore anyway.

Sexy Hermit
3 min readDec 1, 2022


google images “hex white”

I’ve not written much for the last couple of weeks. I’ve been constantly reading instead. Anything I want to say lately is already being discussed ad nauseam.

How many more ways can I say how stupid Trump, Musk and Zuck are? Is there anything new from anyone on them anymore? Putin and Xi are proving to be just as dumb and plenty is being scribed about them too.

It seems as if the honeymoon with despots, billionaires, sellouts, and other assorted psychotics with too much power may finally be coming to an end. What the hell will I write about after all the assholes get what’s finally coming to them?!

I suppose I can look to history for inspiration. Doing so tells me that The People’s love affair with the powerful never ends. The relationship just has a hiccup now and then. “It's complicated” it seems.

It’s the biggest irony of our so-called democracy how The People rationalize the difference between “rugged individuals,” a functioning democracy that works for all, and the fact that we allow anyone psychotic enough to become a billionaire and effectively but without an election to be crowned as Kings.

The defacto Kings in our democracy lord their unbridled power over us all. If the…



Sexy Hermit

It's about to get weird in here. UPDATE: Good weird. Not the JDV kind.