PinnedSexy HermitI’m sick of living like this.Optimism just seems utterly ridiculous.Dec 15, 202344Dec 15, 202344
PinnedSexy HermitinScience PoliticalMy satire is now a reality. Insurance is leaving the coasts.Louisana is just too low for the rising costs of floods and storms.Jan 19, 202331Jan 19, 202331
PinnedSexy HermitinTales from The SingularityA dome in the sand . . .“Put it down over there. By the big dome sticking out,” he said. At least “it” went by “he.” “He” was just a remnant from a different time…Apr 7, 20172Apr 7, 20172
Sexy HermitinThe HmmingbirdTime Traveler RETURNS! Says Brooks and Reiner still slaying with the 3000-year-old man bit.“As the eons pass they just keep adding another zero to the end to stay relevant.”Jul 30Jul 30
Sexy HermitinThe HmmingbirdPerson pays grocery bill by doing “a little jig.”Or you can sing for your supper too!Jul 29Jul 29
Sexy HermitShort and Sweet. Buying in to vote against billionaires.Buy a share. Vote. Sell immediately.May 291May 291
Sexy HermitShort and Sweet. A PS to yesterday.The Broadcaster is ready to take off the gloves.May 22May 22